Monthly Archives: May 2021

ON PURPOSE introduces ‘Period Chutti.’

Building a collaborative and equitable work culture, one policy at a time.

New Delhi, May 25, 2021: Ahead of Menstrual Hygiene Day on Friday, May 28th, ON PURPOSE announced ‘Period Chutti’ for its employees. This policy includes additional 6 paid leaves in a year, for all employees who menstruate.

The organisation’s intention is to support its employees to rest during their periods, while not having to use their sick leave. Periods are not a sickness after all. This policy also aims to remove the stigma and taboo surrounding menstruation and make it a normal conversation at the workplace.

Why 6 days?

It is a medically established fact that young girls, women and gender non-conforming persons can face up to 14 menstrual cycles in a year. Accounting for cycles that may fall on weekends or holidays and that a full day’s leave may not be required on every occasion, 6 days offers adequate relief to employees without forcing them to dip into the 26 other paid leaves in the year.

Why only menstruators? (Kya Mard Ko Dard Nahin Hota?) 

It’s important to level the playing field so all genders have an equal opportunity to perform and deliver the impact the organisation is seeking to create for its clients and its teams.


The policy is designed to be flexible depending on the employee’s needs, providing for the following options: 

  1. Up to 6 days additional paid leaves will be entitled to all the eligible employees during the year. This can be a full day or a half day leave as per the need 
  2. The leave can be availed either on 1st, 2nd or 3rd day of periods depending upon the situation and need 
  3. To avail the period leave, the employee needs to inform their line manager and send an email to HR mentioning that they are availing leave through the Period policy

Speaking about the initiative, Girish Balachandran, Founder, ON PURPOSE said, “ON PURPOSE was founded to use communications to drive social change in India. Menstruation is a taboo topic in most of India and this is our attempt to break the stigma and normalise conversations, starting first at home (our work place). Nobody should feel uncomfortable telling people internally that they are on period leave. If anyone faces any kind of discrimination or harassment because of it, they must immediately report it to HR and our Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) committee will take this up, immediately.”


Media Enquires

Girish Balachandran 


Aastha Anand